Everyone should go see wall-e. It made me cry. Like all other movies, but this one is different. I promise.

Onto more UNINSPIRING news, Chloe looks like a pasta-bake. Ravioli anyone? Click on images to see the pasta up close and personal. Hannah MacGibbon in her first season for chloe-wasn't too bad, and definately not as bad as I make it out to be (bar the pasta-like creations). Some were inspiring, the white dress in the collage below included. DELICIOUS much? Like Marc Jacobs. But I guess it's a good thing that Chloe's been brought back to an affordable (ish) house, a far cry from the ridiculous 6000dollar dresses that were tres plain. Let's see what Hannah has in store for us in the latter seasons.

Marchesa by Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig. Georgina is the designer of this luscious house, and is also married to HARVEY WEINSTEIN. Yes, the fat man who is worth hundreds of millions from his movie franchises. UGH. But I've loved Marchesa since their first collection which inspired Chic Collections in Sydney to make that dress that I bought and wore for my year 12 formal. Same dress, an eighth (or something) of the price. (but still the same price as a pair of Chanal Optics... sigh*)
More POLITICS TO COME. Everyone go on youtube and watch Jon Stewart. Type "palin" and "jon stewart" or alternatively type "obama" and "letterman" and watch his hilarious interview.